New Year's Eve 2004
Dorthea Carter and Mike Kishiuchi threw a party at their place on New Year's Eve 2004.  Scott Mair and Scott Warner generously provided a cheese and oil fondue dinner which included a variety of meats, seafood, vegetables and bread.  After celebrating the arrival of 2005 with champagne, everyone joined in on arguably the fastest complete game of Trivial Pursuit in history before capping the night off with another round of frenzied eating as Scott and Scott laid out an impressive spread of fruit for a chocolate fondue.
Great Scotts! Scott M. (left) and Scott W. toast each other for a job well done on the fondues.
Shake it baby! Dorthea shows off a new dance which incorporates a cheese grater!
I'll drink to that! The four lovely ladies enjoying the party are (L to R) Joanne Francis, Kelly Wood, Dorthea, and Marcella Pesiri.
Say, "Cheese"! Dorthea's cat, Cheese, keeps a watchful eye on the proceedings.
Hope nobody's been licking their forks! Scott M. demonstrates good fondue etiquette.
That better not be Baby Duck!  Blechhh! It is getting close to midnight!
What's going on at the Blackfoot Inn these days? Jerry Scapillati always has something interesting to say especially when he has a glass of wine in his hands!  That's his attentive wife, Alice, at left.
Notice that I said "classic" not "classy"! Classic Scott Warner
Roll again! It's not exactly "rockin' in the New Year", but it's still a lot of fun.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! Joanne watches as Kelly goes for the dark chocolate.