Cockscomb Mountain
A few years ago, some friends lent me a book called Rice Crust From
The Bottom Of The Pot: A Journey Across South East Asia.
Written by a Calgarian named
Parry Loeffler, the
book chronicles his adventures in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
At the time, my reading interests were heavily centered on mountaineering
disasters and cannibalism, and as a result, I did not greet his book
with a great deal of enthusiasm. In fact, I put his book on the
back burner for a few months before I finally got around to reading it.
By the time I was finished though, I was intrigued by all the exotic
places Parry had visited (and all the food he had eaten!). More
importantly, I was impressed by his courage to leave the proverbial Rat
Race behind to pursue his dreams. I could relate to Parry's
philosophical outlook on life, but I had no idea that we also shared a
common passion for climbing mountains. Having stumbled onto my
website, Parry recently contacted me and suggested hooking up to do a
scramble together. This was tougher than it sounds, but on 22
October 2006, the stars and planets were aligned just right for me to
join him on a group trip up Cockscomb Mountain in Banff National Park.
The others in the group were Mike Fisher, Kari Hass, Jen Robinson and
Phil Walters.The morning got off to a rather inauspicious start.
Parry had suggested that we all meet at Phil's house but inadvertently
gave everyone the wrong address--actually a non-existent one!
Miraculously, we all somehow managed to find Phil's house anyway,
and after agreeing that this was likely the crux of the entire trip, we
all piled into two cars and headed out to the mountains.
Parry had gotten the idea to scramble up Cockscomb Mountain from
Spirko, and we essentially followed the same route with some minor
deviations. After a fairly long and tedious approach through forest
and up Ranger Creek, we ascended a broad, open gully to climber's left of
Bob's route. A light dusting of snow made the already loose rubble
here even more slippery, and consequently, the footing was terrible. Halfway
up the gully, the group split in half with Mike, Parry and Jen scrambling over
steep terrain onto an adjacent ridge (rejoining Bob's route) while Kari,
Phil and I continued up to a high col at GR891773. From the col,
the three of us bypassed a gendarme before scrambling up a rather
challenging ridge to a shoulder just
north of a false summit. The other three awaited us there. From the
shoulder, we all proceeded easily over the
false summit and reached the true summit shortly thereafter.
On descent, we retraced our steps back to the shoulder and then
dropped down to tree line while angling over to a narrow gully on skier's
left. Unlike our ascent gully, this gully is guarded on the sides
by steep slabs, and we had some trouble getting down here. The
grassy slopes in the trees were so steep and slippery that I considered
donning my crampons. With six of us descending here, rockfall was
also a serious hazard. Remarkably, we all managed to drop down into
the gully unscathed. Though we ended up a little further northwest
on the highway from where we parked our cars, our hike out Ranger Creek
was largely uneventful (round-trip time was a little over 9.5 hours).
While Cockscomb Mountain is not likely to make many peak-baggers' top ten
lists, the views from the summit are surprisingly good, and on this day,
it was my pleasure to scramble with some fine company.
![Much nicer to look at than to scramble up!](cockscomb01.jpg) |
The morning sun lights up Pilot
Mountain. |
![Bushwhacking seems so much more fun in a large group!](cockscomb02.jpg) |
The group endures some light
bushwhacking. |
![Hardly seemed necessary for such a short distance.](cockscomb03.jpg) |
Parry carefully crosses a man-made
boardwalk. |
![I wouldn't put a lot of faith in this ladder--the bottom rung had already snapped in two!](cockscomb04.jpg) |
Jen descends a rickety old ladder
while Parry and Mike wait below. |
![The novelty of rock-hopping up the creek wears thin pretty quickly.](cockscomb05.jpg) |
The group tramps up alongside Ranger
Creek. |
![Since views are limited, it's the little things that keep you going up Ranger Creek.](cockscomb06.jpg) |
An ice curtain forms below a log. |
![Another peak that is nicer to look at than to scramble up!](cockscomb07.jpg) |
Mount Ball is one of the first peaks
visible to the west as the views begin to open up near the head of
the valley. |
![It's steeper than it looks!](cockscomb08.jpg) |
Mike heads up steep, snowy terrain. |
![Phil actually left his trekking poles behind at one point and had to backtrack a long way to retrieve them!](cockscomb09.jpg) |
Phil and Kari slog up a long and
slippery slope of rubble. |
![That east ridge looks rather scary from this perspective!](cockscomb10.jpg) |
The sight of Mount Ishbel alleviates
some of the misery in climbing Cockscomb Mountain. |
![Kari, Phil and I would circumvent this obstacle on the right.](cockscomb11.jpg) |
An ominous-looking gendarme blocks the
ridge north of Cockscomb Mountain's false summit. |
![This would have been a very nice day to go up Cascade Mountain--clear skies, no bugs, no tourists!](cockscomb12.jpg) |
The south end of Cascade Mountain can
be seen to the east. |
![Hardly the walk-up we were all expecting!](cockscomb13.jpg) |
Kari watches as Phil scrambles up a
slippery corner to bypass the gendarme. |
![They took Bob Spirko's ascent route...mostly.](cockscomb14.jpg) |
Parry (left) and Jen ascend an
adjacent ridge to the west. |
![Anyone wanna scramble Mount Ishbel with me?](cockscomb15.jpg) |
Here is the view to the northwest
showcasing Mount Ishbel's south ridge. Eisenhower Tower (Castle
Mountain) and Mount Temple are also visible in the distance at
centre. |
![The rest of the ascent is straightforward.](cockscomb16.jpg) |
Mike charges up the false summit of
Cockscomb Mountain. |
![This was the most enjoyable part of the ascent.](cockscomb17.jpg) |
The true summit is a short distance
away. |
![Easier than it looks.](cockscomb18.jpg) |
The group climbs up the final slope. |
![Mount Norquay is also visible in the middle foreground.](cockscomb19.jpg) |
The most striking view from the summit
of Cockscomb Mountain is that of Mounts Fifi and Louis to the southeast.
Mount Rundle dominates the horizon. |
![Looks just like a COC group summit photo, n'est-ce pas?](cockscomb20.jpg) |
Standing around a kneeling Sonny on
the 2776-metre summit of Cockscomb Mountain are (L to R) Phil, Kari,
Parry, Jen and Mike. |
![Thank goodness Parry didn't get a shot of me falling on my butt!](cockscomb21pl.jpg) |
Sonny descends from the false summit.
Photo courtesy of Parry Loeffler |
![It's probably best to stick to the ridge crest all the way down.](cockscomb22.jpg) |
The group descends the ridge that
Mike, Parry and Jen came up. |
![Again, it's the little things that keep you going down Ranger Creek...](cockscomb23.jpg) |
There are some interesting ice
formations in Ranger Creek on this day. |
![She looks like she actually enjoyed this scramble!](cockscomb24.jpg) |
Jen is all smiles upon arriving back
at the cars. |