On 22 July 2006, I crawled out of bed at
about 1:30 AM and was already wondering if three hours of sleep would
sustain me for the long day ahead. After picking up Linda and Dan,
I drove us out to the trailhead, and we were a little surprised that Dave
was nowhere in sight. As we began gearing up, Dave's car suddenly
pulled into the parking lot; he had been waiting for us at the wrong
trailhead! We were finally on our way by 5:15 AM and ploughed
through a gauntlet of annoying invisible spider webs all along the south
shore of Upper Kananaskis Lake. Reaching the north end of Hidden
Lake at 7:00 AM, I was not surprised but still disappointed to find that
the lake was full. We took to the bushy and deadfall-choked trail
winding and undulating around the east shore, and thankfully, the great
company alleviated some of the misery. After reaching the south end
of Hidden Lake and climbing up through the trees, we took a break at 9:00
AM at the base of the rubble slope below the headwall guarding Aster
Lake. A large group of day hikers doing the Northover Ridge loop
passed us here, and I watched with some dismay as they waltzed up the
rubble slope with seemingly little effort. It took us an hour to
climb up the headwall at which point the sun was beginning to take its
toll on us. We reached Aster Lake campground by 11:25 AM, and after
setting up camp, we all had a snack and promptly took a nice long nap in
the shade.
Some time later, we all woke up and began organizing ourselves to
scramble up Warrior Mountain and possibly Mount Cordonnier. We left
camp at about 2:15 PM and hiked around the south shore of Aster Lake
before heading across the river flats to the base of Warrior Mountain.
The heat of the day was becoming unbearable as we scrambled up the lower
slopes, and about halfway up the mountain, Linda and Dan decided to turn
around. I was not feeling particularly energetic myself, but in my
mind, I had already resolved on bagging both peaks. I pushed on
with Dave up to the foot of the remnant glacier hugging the east side of
Warrior Mountain. Clear patches of ice attested to the fact that
this indeed was a glacier and not just a snowfield. Dave and I
donned our crampons and began trudging up the glacier where we met a
roped party of four and a dog on their way
down. It only took us about twenty minutes to climb up the
glacier, and after removing our crampons, Dave and I slogged our way up scree
for another thirty minutes before reaching the top of Warrior Mountain at
5:30 PM. I was so exhausted that I actually caught myself falling
asleep a couple of times while trying to sign the summit register!
I did eventually doze off with dreams of climbing Mount Cordonnier...
Linda, Dan and Dave get ready to set
off from the parking lot in the dark. |
Hidden Lake is unfortunately full to
the brim. The headwall guarding Aster Lake is visible beyond. |
Dave looks back along one of the
"tamer" sections of the trail around Hidden Lake. |
The group begins the steep climb up
the headwall. |
This is looking down on Hidden Lake
from further up the headwall. On the horizon are (L to R) Mount
Warspite, Mount Invincible and Mount Indefatigable. |
The group scrambles up a rock band
near the top of the headwall. |
Dan and Dave pause at the top of the
headwall. In the distance are Mount Cordonnier and Warrior
Mountain. |
After setting up camp, the group hikes
around the south end of Aster Lake. Mount Sarrail is visible at
far left. |
This is Mount Northover as seen from
the river flats west of Aster Lake. |
Dan looks a bit nonplussed as he fords
one of the braided streams. |
Linda decides to keep her boots dry
while fording. |
Dan and Dave gaze up at Mount Joffre
while crossing the river flats. |
Dan climbs up the lower slopes of
Warrior Mountain with Aster Lake in the background. |
Dave climbs up typical terrain on
Warrior Mountain's lower slopes. |
This is the remnant glacier hugging
the east side of Warrior Mountain. Dave and Sonny would
eventually ascend to the left of the exposed ice patch before angling
right toward the low notch on the skyline. |
Dave dons his crampons. |
Dave sets foot on a glacier for the
first time in his life. |
Dave approaches the top of the
glacier. |
Near the top of the glacier is this
interesting snow formation. |
Dave trudges up the final slope of
Warrior Mountain. Mount Northover can be seen at far right. |
Dave stands beside the summit cairn of
Warrior Mountain. |
Sonny stands on the 2973-metre summit
of Warrior Mountain. Behind him is Mount Joffre. |
This outlier to the west of Warrior
Mountain is known as Waka Nambe. |
The view to the north includes Mount
Northover (right), Mount Sir Douglas (distant middle) and Mount
Assiniboine (very distant far left). |
To the east are Aster Lake and Mount
Sarrail. |
Mount Joffre dominates the view to the
south. At right is Mount Cordonnier. |
Here is another look at Mount
Northover. |
After my short nap on the summit of Warrior Mountain, I turned
my attention to Mount Cordonnier. Dave opted to return to camp, so
we parted ways after descending to the low point of the connecting ridge
between Warrior Mountain and Mount Cordonnier. Aside from my
fatigue, I had no problems traversing the ridge. I reached the top
of Mount Cordonnier at 7:55 PM, and despite a chilly wind, I managed to
squeeze in another summit nap before commencing my descent at about 8:30
PM. Taking Alan Kane's alternate descent route, I enjoyed a superb
glissade down a big snow patch before hiking down successive benches of
rubble and snow. It was already quite dark by the time I crossed
the river flats, but I could still see the trail around the south shore
of Aster Lake well enough to hike without my headlamp. The
unrelenting mosquitoes were a real nuisance though and marred what was
otherwise a very pleasant hike back to camp. When I returned to
camp, I decided to forego dinner and just drank some juice before
changing into fresh clothes and crawling into the tent I was sharing with
Linda and Dan. Dan, half asleep, asked me if I was "beat", and I
simply replied, "I'm beyond beat." I looked at my watch which read
11:15 PM before pulling my sleeping bag over me and closing my eyes.
It had been a very long day.
The connecting ridge to Mount
Cordonnier is clear of snow on this day. |
This is the view of the remnant
glacier from along the connecting ridge between Warrior Mountain and
Mount Cordonnier. |
Here is a close-up of Dave crossing
the glacier. |
Parts of the connecting ridge are
surprisingly narrow and exposed. |
This is looking back at Warrior
Mountain (centre) from further along the connecting ridge. |
Sonny continues along the undulating
ridge to the summit. |
Sonny holds up the register canister
on the 3021-metre summit of Mount Cordonnier. |
Mount King George and The Royal Group
look rather ominous under the evening clouds. |
This is the view north from Mount
Cordonnier's summit. |
Mount Joffre and Mount Mangin look
great late in the day. |
Alpenglow lights up Mount Joffre. |
This is looking back up Kane's
alternate descent route. |
Mount Northover is silhouetted against
a beautiful evening sky. |