This is Bob's starting point for the trip along Castle River Road. |
Dinah hikes up an open slope. |
This dead tree looks as if it is about
to topple over Dinah. |
Castle Peak is the eye-catching centerpiece of the entire area. |
The snow is supportive enough to walk on. |
An open slope below the summit of
North Castle grants this spectacular view of Windsor Mountain and
Castle Peak. |
Dinah and Bob approach the top of North Castle. |
This is Mount Gladstone as seen from the summit of North Castle. |
Bob pauses on a cornice to admire the views of Prairie Bluff (left of
centre) and Victoria Peak (far right). |
To the north is a rather innocuous view of Table Mountain. |
Here is a closer look at Victoria Peak. |
Bob checks out the drop-off before the next bump along the ridge.
Mount Gladstone dominates the background. |
Dinah stands above the drop-off. |
This is a more comprehensive view of
the drop-off with North Castle in behind. |
Bob carefully descends the drop-off
while Dinah waits above. |
Here is another view of Windsor Mountain and Castle Peak. |
Bob and Dinah head back up North Castle. |
Dinah stands atop the cornice seen earlier. |
Dinah, Bob and Sonny revisit the
2317-metre summit of North Castle. |
There are some impressive-looking peaks to the south. |
Bob and Dinah head back to Sonny's car. |
Here is a final look at Castle Peak. |