After spending over an hour on the summit, I retraced my
steps back down the ledge. When the ledge petered out, I decided to
drop down the east side of the ridge into the hanging valley below.
This entailed some route-finding and some difficult down-climbing, but it
was worth it to avoid revisiting all the ups and downs on the south
ridge. A bushy but otherwise uneventful hike out Ranger Creek had
me back at my car after a round-trip time of 12 hours.
This is Pilot Mountain as seen from near the start of the south ridge of
Mount Ishbel. |
Mount Ball looks resplendent in the morning sunlight. |
Copper Mountain is not quite as snowy as Mount Ball (far left). |
Isabelle Peak also looks resplendent in the morning sunlight. |
Silky scorpion weed are in abundance on the ridge. |
Near tree line, the first significant
obstacle is the rock wall at right. |
Visible to the northwest are Castle Mountain, Stuart Knob and Helena
Ridge. |
Also visible to the northwest is Mount Temple. |
Sonny gets his first glimpse of Mount
Ishbel's summit (just left of centre) from the ridge. |
This is looking south at the part of the ridge which Sonny bypassed.
The amphitheatre described by Lee is at bottom right. |
The summit is more distinctive in this view. |
This is the crux as seen from just a bit further north along the
ridge. Sonny's route around the crux is shown. |
Sonny continues his trek toward the summit. |
This is an unnamed ridge to the east of Mount Ishbel. The valley
below is the usual exit route for climbers who descend the east ridge. |
Sonny scrambles up the easy ledge near the summit. |
Here is a more extensive view of the ledge running along the east side of
the ridge. |
Sonny stands on the 2870-metre summit of Mount Ishbel. |
Sonny takes a well-deserved break on the summit. |
The most prominent peak to the south is Mount Assiniboine. |
The Sawback Range dominates the view to the north. |
Also visible to the south are Mount Cory (at centre), Mount Bogart (snowy
peak at upper left) and Old Goat Mountain (pointy peak on horizon). |
Mount Fifi (left) and Mount Louis can be seen to the southeast. |
This is looking down Mount Ishbel's south ridge from the summit. |
This is the view of Mount Ishbel (left) from the hanging valley.
Sonny's approximate descent route is shown. |
Sonny takes advantage of some snow patches to descend toward Ranger
Creek. |
This is the infamous Ranger Creek ladder. |
Here is a last look at Mount Ishbel from Hillsdale Meadows late in the
day. |