The route up Snow Peak follows the left skyline ridge. |
Mount Robertson, Robertson Glacier and Mount Sir Douglas are visible to
the south from the gravel flats along the trail to Burstall Pass. |
Looking north from near Burstall Pass are Mount Smuts (through gap at
far left), Mount Birdwood, Pig's Tail, Commonwealth Peak and Mount
Galatea (through gap at far right). |
Kelly approaches the crest of Burstall Pass with Snow Peak in the
background. |
Sonny hikes up typical terrain on the upper parts of Snow Peak. |
This is the final approach to the
summit of Snow Peak. The west peak is also visible further to
the right. |
Leman Lake is an eye-catcher to the southwest. Mount Leval is at
far right. In the distance are Talon Peak and snowy Mount Soderholm. |
Here is a close-up of unofficially-named Talon Peak. |
Mount Assiniboine towers above the
other peaks to the northwest. |
Mount Murray is visible to the east. |
Some of the peaks visible across the Spray River valley include Mount
Vavasour (far left), Mount Warre (left of centre) and Mount Currie (right
of centre in shadow). |
Here is a close-up of Leman Lake. |
This is looking back at the summit of Snow Peak from the west peak. |
This is a more comprehensive view of the summit of Snow Peak as seen from
the west peak. Mount Sir Douglas is at far right. |
After returning from the west peak, Sonny holds the register canister
on the 2799-metre summit of Snow Peak. |
Mount Birdwood dominates the view to the northeast. |
The view to the southeast includes Mount Sir Douglas and Burstall Pass.
Also visible is Mount French at upper left. |
Directly north of Snow Peak is Mount Smuts. |
Here is a last look at Mount Sir Douglas from Burstall Pass. |