Mackay Hills
Amelie Doucet, Bob Spirko, and Marko Stavric joined me
for a hike up the Mackay Hills in Alberta's Kananaskis Country on 22
August 2015. This trip largely came about as a result of
discussions with Rafal (Raff)
Kazmierczak regarding feasible climbing or hiking objectives in light of
recent snowfall. Ironically, Raff was
absent when the rest of us set off along the Evan-Thomas Creek trail in
hopes of hiking the loop as described in Gillean Daffern's Kananaskis
Trail Guide. The approach hike was not as straightforward as we
would have liked. The epic floods of 2013 ravaged much of the
Evan-Thomas Creek trail, and although some sections near the trailhead
have been repaired or re-routed, much of the trail in the backcountry
remains washed out or completely obliterated. To make things more
complicated, the fresh snow caused many of the deciduous trees and bushes
to bow over, effectively choking some sections of trail. It took us
a little over 3 hours to reach the Camp Creek junction, and I cannot
recall the last time I did this much route-finding and bushwhacking on an
established trail! Fortunately, the trip would improve as we hiked
another 20 minutes to reach Rocky Creek Pass. From there, we picked
up a game trail which heads north toward the southernmost of three
distinct peaks which comprise the Mackay HIlls. Just as Daffern
describes, we left the trail above tree line to ascend grassy slopes to
the top of the South Peak. The soles of my light hiking shoes were
somewhat worn, and consequently, I had some issues with traction on the
snow-covered slopes. I gradually fell behind the others, and by the
time I reached the South Peak's summit, they were already well on their
way to the Centre Peak. I eventually caught up with everyone while
they were taking a break at the top of the Centre Peak, the highest point
in the Mackay Hills. The ridge on the north side of the Centre Peak
is guarded by a few minor cliff bands, but we easily down-climbed or
circumvented these obstacles. An otherwise unremarkable plod
brought us to the top of the North Peak which is also known as Mackay's
Mountain.From the top of Mackay's Mountain,
we opted to follow Daffern's recommended "East Slope" descent route, or
at least we tried to. After descending the north ridge to about
tree line, we dropped down the east side of the ridge and picked up an
old trail which probably has not seen human passage in quite a few years.
Still, having an overgrown trail was better than having no trail at all,
and we followed it down alongside an obvious drainage leading back to
Evan-Thomas Creek. Unfortunately, the trail eventually peters out,
and even though we were fairly close to Evan-Thomas Creek, steep cliffs
prevented us from descending further. Our only option at this point
was to contour northward and make a beeline for the logging road promised
by Daffern at the end of the descent. This was, of course, easier
said than done. The next half kilometre or so ranks highly among
the worst bushwhacking I have ever endured. Crisscrossing logs and
alder bushes created a formidable barrier which made travel slow and
frustrating. I lost all sense of time as my focus narrowed to just
scrambling over the next log or squeezing through the next set of tangled
branches. After an exasperatingly long thrash, we finally hit upon
a faint trail that led us to a series of marshy glades and ultimately to
Daffern's logging road. We subsequently turned right on the Wedge
Connector trail which took us over a bridge back to the Evan-Thomas Creek
trail to complete the loop. An already long day was made even
longer when we had to drive back to Calgary via Highway 1A because of a
traffic jam on the Trans Canada Highway. Unfortunately, we only
traded one traffic jam for another as we ended up waiting possibly just
as long to get through the busy intersection with Highway 22 at Cochrane.
The Mackay Hills loop turned out to be a much
longer and more arduous hike than I had anticipated, and though I feel a
bit guilty for subjecting Bob, Amelie and Marko to such an epic ordeal, I
am nevertheless happy to have shared their excellent company.
Be sure to check out Bob's trip
report and Marko's
An opening along the Evan-Thomas Creek
trail grants this view of the Centre Peak (left) and the North Peak (Mackay's
Mountain). |
The group treads carefully around a
washed out section of trail. |
This section of trail is a bit wet. |
Fresh snow has caused trees and bushes
to bow over onto the trail. |
Where the trail has disappeared
completely, the group hikes along the creek bed. |
Amelie and Bob boulder-hop across a
side creek. |
Amelie and Marko reach the junction
with Camp Creek trail which heads off to the right. |
Parts of the Camp Creek trail appear
to be in mid-winter conditions. |
From Rocky Creek Pass, Bob takes the
game trail which leads to the South Peak directly ahead. |
This is the Centre Peak as seen from
the 2351-metre summit of the South Peak. To the left is the
Wedge. |
Fisher Peak draws the most attention
to the east. |

The view to the west includes (L to R) the Fortress,
Gusty Peak, Mount Galatea, and the Tower.
The south side of the Centre Peak
presents no significant challenges. |
Everyone takes a break at the top of
the Centre Peak (2432 metres). |

Here is a more comprehensive view of Fisher Peak.
The South Peak of the Mackay Hills is visible at lower right.
The north end of the rugged Opal Range
is visible to the south. |
The Wedge dominates the view to the
west. At right in the foreground is Mackay's Mountain. |
The view to the north includes Mount Allan and Mount
Collembola at far left, Skogan Peak and Mount Lorette at centre, and
Kananaskis Peak at far right.
Marko and Amelie descend the
connecting ridge to Mackay's Mountain. |
Bob, Marko and Amelie climb up the
southeast ridge of Mackay's Mountain. |
The group is almost at the top. |
Sonny, Bob, Amelie and Marko pose on the summit of
Mackay's Mountain (2424 metres).