Little Lougheed
On 5 November 2016, Amelie Doucet, Marko
Stavric, Zosia Zgolak and I ascended Little Lougheed in Alberta's
Kananaskis Country. Marko and Amelie had already previously climbed
Little Lougheed, but they were quite willing to repeat this easy ascent
in the company of Zosia and me. Following
directions from Bob Spirko, we started up a good trail on the left
bank of Spencer Creek. At some point, we left the trail and climbed
up through light forest to reach a rock slide. We continued
ascending a rocky rib in the middle of the rock slide and then through
more forest until we
cleared the last trees. A final short grovel up a rubble slope had
us on the summit ridge. Although we stuck around long enough on the
summit to take some photographs and have a quick snack, the chilly wind
prompted us to return to the shelter of the trees below. The rest
of our descent was uneventful. As others have noted, Little Lougheed is a real gem of a hike and offers outstanding views for only a
modest amount of effort. Although I do not normally repeat ascents,
this one may be worth revisiting in the future.
Be sure to check out Marko's photos
The group stops to chat along the
banks of Spencer Creek with Mount Sparrowhawk looming in the
distance. |
Zosia stands atop a boulder in a rock
slide. Spray Lakes Reservoir is visible. |
The group hikes up the rock slide. |

Here is a clearer view of Spray Lakes Reservoir with
Big Sister on the right.
The group ascends a rocky rib in the
middle of the rock slide. The summit is visible at upper left. |
Spindrift can be seen blowing off the
summit ridge of Mount Sparrowhawk. |
Amelie and Zosia hike through the last
trees before the summit. |
From this vantage point, Mount Nestor
(right) is the most recognizable landmark near Spray Lakes Reservoir. |
Zosia, Amelie and Marko climb the
rubble slope below the summit. |

Marko, Amelie and Zosia arrive at the summit ridge.