The weather did not look promising when we left Calgary early on the morning of 25 March 2016. Overnight snowfall blanketed much of the countryside, and snow continued to fall even as we arrived at Leitch Collieries which is the starting point for the southern approach. After briefly wandering through the ruins of the failed coal processing plant, we left the interpretive displays behind and hopped a fence to ascend an open slope to the north leading to a grassy plateau. While Spirko had done a clockwise loop which entailed ascending another ridge further to the west, we decided to do his loop in reverse by first ascending the south ridge of Tallon Peak. After crossing the plateau, we settled into a moderate but steady climb up the lightly forested ridge. Fresh snow made for slippery conditions at times, but the route-finding was not too complicated. We still had to contend with a couple more annoying fences on the way up though. Because of cloud cover, views from the summit of Tallon Peak were disappointingly non-existent on this day.
Without much else to see, we dropped down the west ridge of Tallon Peak far enough to circumvent some cliff bands before continuing along the connecting ridge to Robertson Peak. Along the way, we encountered a few snow patches that were still deep enough to post-hole, but thankfully, these were short-lived and of little consequence especially after Zosia broke trail for the rest of us! We also hiked over an intervening unnamed high point which someone like Vern Dewit might count as a separate summit! When we arrived at the summit of Robertson Peak, we were rewarded with a partial clearing of the cloud cover which afforded us our first somewhat expansive views of the day.
After heading over to the west side of Robertson Peak, we took a short break to consider our options for our return trip. Firstly, none of us were interested in returning the way we came. Secondly, completing Spirko's loop would have entailed having to drop and regain about 200 metres of elevation to reach the crest of his ascent ridge--a somewhat unappealing prospect for us. Thirdly, we considered just descending the valley directly south of Robertson Peak. This was the most appealing option, but we were uncertain if we would encounter a lot of deep snow or nasty bushwhacking in the valley bottom. We decided that it was at least worth investigating and that, at worst, we could always escape the valley and climb up to the crest of Spirko's ascent ridge.
When we resumed hiking, Zosia carefully
led us down the largely open south side of Robertson Peak. Most of
the fresh snow that covered the ground earlier in the day had melted by
now, but I was still finding my footing to be somewhat unreliable while
descending the rubble-strewn slopes here. When we eventually
entered the forest in the valley bottom, we found the snow cover to be
minimal and the bushwhacking light, but best of all, we stumbled onto an
exploration road which we easily followed all the way back to the grassy
plateau near the start. Unfortunately, getting from the plateau to
the parking lot at Leitch Collieries turned out to be more complicated
than expected since we took a slightly different route than the one we
started with at the beginning of the day. Regardless, it just added
more adventure to an already enjoyable and fun-filled day which was due
in no small part to the excellent company I had.
Ali, Asieh and Zosia show their approval of the blue sky over the summit.