Smith Rock State Park
Making the most of an extended Easter long
weekend, Zosia Zgolak and I drove to central Oregon and visited
Smith Rock State Park near the town
of Terrebonne on 19 April 2019. Up until the long weekend, neither
Zosia nor I had even heard of this small park, but it is apparently very
popular with rock climbers, hikers, trail runners and mountain bikers.
Our source of inspiration for visiting the park came from Barbara I.
Bond's guidebook, 75 Scrambles in Oregon, but we ultimately took
advantage of the park's excellent trail system to tag a couple of high
points in the vicinity.
The park was already very busy when we
arrived around midday, and we were lucky to find a parking spot ($5 USD
day use fee required). From the parking area, we started along the
main access trail which drops down a steep embankment to a bridge over
Crooked River. On the north bank, we turned eastward and followed
Wolf Tree Trail which winds around a bend in the river before connecting
with another trail known as Burma Road near the outlet tunnel of an
irrigation canal. Burma Road actually leaves the state park and
enters BLM land where it makes a
single switchback before gently sweeping upward across the west face of a
high point known as Peak 4230. Just before reaching a 4-way
intersection, we left the road to take an obvious beaten path which runs
up the northwest ridge of Peak 4230. This path is brutally steep,
but otherwise, we encountered no technical difficulties in reaching the
top of Peak 4230.
Misery Ridge is instantly visible from the parking lot at Smith Rock
State Park. |
Beyond the bridge over Crooked River
is the rock climbing area known as Picnic Lunch Wall. |
Zosia hikes along the north bank of Crooked River. |
Zosia walks along an irrigation canal near the juncture of Wolf Tree
Trail and Burma Road. At upper right is Peak 4230. |

Most of Smith Rock State Park is visible in this view from partway up
Burma Road. Smith Rock is at left, and at centre is Misery Ridge.
After taking a short break, we retraced our
steps back down the northwest ridge and continued westward along what is
known as Summit Trail. Leaving BLM land, we descended several
annoyingly long switchbacks (the trail is designed for mountain bikers)
before traversing the northern rim of the park. The trail briefly
crosses private land before turning southward and re-entering the park
along the banks of Crooked River. At a T-intersection, we turned
eastward and began climbing what is known as Misery Ridge Trail.
This trail passes another junction below a striking rock pinnacle known
as Monkey Face before rising in a series of switchbacks to the crest of
Misery Ridge. As we climbed the switchbacks, we were awed by the
efforts of a climbing team tackling the fearsome Monkey Face.
Zosia descends one of the long switchbacks along Summit Trail. Peak
4230 is visible in the distance. |
Blooming yellow fritillaries (yellowbells) are a sure sign that spring
has arrived. |
A startled western fence lizard starts doing push-ups possibly as a
defensive display of strength. |
Zosia hikes along the western side of the park with Smith Rock visible at
distant right. |
Zosia approaches the pinnacle known as Monkey Face. |
This is looking up the western side of Monkey Face. Climbing bolts
can be seen embedded in the rock. |
Zosia climbs up the switchbacks on the western side of Misery Ridge. |
On her way up Misery Ridge,
Zosia finds a small cave with a window. |
Monkey Face lives up to its name in this view from near the crest of
Misery Ridge. |
The highest point of Misery Ridge is a short
distance off the official trail, and we easily tagged it after a short
Class 3 scramble with some mild exposure. Upon returning to the
trail, we descended the east side of Misery Ridge passing some other rock
climbing areas (Red Wall and Picnic Lunch Wall) before ending up back at
the bridge over Crooked River. We endured one last annoying uphill
walk to return to the parking area.