Vermilion Peak
On 21 August 1999, Dan Millar and I made an aborted attempt on Vermilion Peak (2649 metres).  We were halfway up the avalanche gully when a freak storm hammered the mountain.  The heavy rain made our footing slippery, but more alarmingly, there were lightning strikes nearby.  We hastily retreated back to our car only to see the sky clear abruptly (doh!).
Don't we usually see rainbows AFTER a storm?? Dan admires a rainbow just minutes before the storm hit.
One week later on 28 August 1999, we returned to complete the ascent in fine weather.  The ascent went without a hitch, but the descent was a different story.  Instead of retreating along the summit ridge, we decided to be adventurous and take a more direct line down from the summit to the avalanche gully.  The scrambling was only moderately difficult, but at one point, I had to slither down some rocks on my butt.  Dan, who was above me, suddenly noticed that my camera pouch had slipped off my pack (the Velcro strap was probably old and worn).  Dan was closer to the pouch and began descending to retrieve it for me.  Suddenly, the pouch began rolling slowly down the slope.  We both watched in horror as the pouch gradually picked up speed and began bouncing higher and higher.  At this point, I was just hoping that my camera (Pentax Espio 115) would stay inside the sturdy pouch.  As if it knew what I was thinking, the camera popped out of the pouch (the lid was also held by old Velcro).  At this point, I was just hoping that my film would stay inside the...never mind.  When I finally retrieved all the pieces, my camera was badly smashed, and worse, I lost all the photos from this trip.  We descended without further incident.

The loss of the photos was regrettable, but amazingly, I was able to reassemble my camera (holding it together with duct tape!) and use it for almost another year before an internal problem forced me to take it in for repairs. 
Summit Ridge Sonny comes up the ridge in this view from the summit.
Photo Courtesy of Dan Millar