Horsing Around In Summerland
On 4 April 2001, Evalyn Wood took Kelly Wood and me for a walk past some farms near the town of Summerland, B.C.  After reaching a viewpoint overlooking Okanagan Lake, we returned to our car and fetched some old apples to feed some of the local horses.  Although they were at first somewhat wary of our presence, the horses soon warmed up to us and were busily munching on our apples.  Sometimes, we would be overwhelmed when two or more horses would go after the same apple.  The scene eerily resembled sharks in a feeding frenzy.  In such cases, it's best to just drop the apple and move away slowly.
This horse likes pink sweaters.
Kelly is greeted by a friendly horse.
A bag of apples is a horse's best friend!
Evalyn has this horse eating out of her hand.
Oww!  Watch the teeth!
Sonny almost loses his thumb while feeding this young horse.