Mount Chester
My old hiking boots were shredded after my trip to Fisher Peak.  The next day, 5 October 2003, I bought some new boots and decided to break them in by heading out to Peter Lougheed Provincial Park and scrambling up Mount Chester.  After hiking to Chester Lake, I began to develop blisters on my heels.  I bandaged the blisters as best as I could and continued up the mountain.  The blisters slowed me down somewhat, but I still managed to drag myself up to the summit and back down again.  My round-trip time for this relatively straightforward scramble was 6.5 hours.
Mount Chester
This is Mount Chester as seen from the Chester Lake hiking trail.
Blisters shmisters!
The terrain on the upper mountain is typically like this.
No. 17
On the 3054-metre summit of Mount Chester, Sonny squints into the late afternoon sun.
Nice day.
Sonny checks out the view which includes such peaks as The Tower, Mount Galatea and Gusty Peak.
Chester Pool
This is Chester Lake as seen from the top of Mount Chester.
Who's Zubot?
If you know anything about this metal plate inscribed with a cross and the name, "Zubot", please e-mail me.
Bloody Mount Chester!
The setting sun turned Mount Chester red in this view from the parking lot.