Cline River And Coral Creek
After a strenuous weekend of scrambling and camping near Abraham Lake in David Thompson Country, a large group of us enjoyed a leisurely hike to a viewpoint overlooking Coral Creek on 3 July 2005.  On the way there, we also passed some spectacular canyons along Cline River--a favourite place for ice climbers during the winter.
That rock outcrop that Chris is standing on is actually frighteningly narrow! This is Cline River with Sentinel Mountain in the distance.
Ice climbers' winter playground. There are some spectacular cliffs along the banks of Cline River.
Some of these hikers have a little more of a hangover than others... Near the confluence of Coral Creek and Cline River are (L to R) Yan Godbout, Omar Jumaili, Edwina Podemski, Wiktor Chwieros, Ceri Chwieros, Kelly Wood and Chris Wood.
Looks like some good camping spots down there! This is Coral Creek as seen from the viewpoint.
Left to right are Sonny, Ceri, Wiktor, Edwina, Chris, Yan, Kelly and Omar! The group poses for a photo on top of the viewpoint.  The peak in the background is Mount Stelfox.