![Not the best place to bring your relatively brand new car!](lemanlake01.jpg) |
Eddie walks alongside Marc's Honda
CR-V as it climbs over one particularly rough spot on Albert River
Forest Service Road. |
![After a long day of driving, it's nice to be walking for a change!](lemanlake02.jpg) |
Chris, Wiktor and Marc lead the way up
the road to Spray Pass (far right). The peak on the right is
Mount Leval. |
![Rick Collier apparently made the first ascent of Lockwood Peak.](lemanlake03.jpg) |
This is looking back down the Albert
River valley. Left of centre is Lockwood Peak. |
![Back in Alberta already!](lemanlake04.jpg) |
The group arrives at Spray Pass on the
park boundary (and Continental Divide). |
![The lake is actually very attractive.](lemanlake05.jpg) |
Snow Peak dominates the view northeast
across Leman Lake. At left in the distance is Mount Smuts. |
![Both the south ridge and the alternate descent route look rather scary from this vantage point!](lemanlake06.jpg) |
Here is a closer look at Mount Smuts. |
![Maybe the long drive in was worth it after all...](lemanlake07.jpg) |
Mount Leman towers over the south end
of the lake. |
![Marc was planning on leading an ACC (Edmonton) trip to Mount Sir Douglas later in the month.](lemanlake08.jpg) |
The group takes a break on the shore.
Mount Sir Douglas peeks up above the distant trees. |
![Mount Sir Douglas looks a little different from this angle.](lemanlake09.jpg) |
Here is a closer look at Mount Sir
Douglas. |