Mount Sarrail
I opened my eyes at about 8:00 AM on 23 July 2006 inside the tent I was
sharing with Linda Breton and Dan Millar. Although the sun had not
quite hit our tent yet, the air was already warm on this second day of a
weekend backpack/scrambling trip to Aster Lake in Peter Lougheed
Provincial Park. Dave MacDonald, who had slept in a separate tent,
strolled by in his bare feet to check if we were awake. He looked
quite relaxed and had obviously sprayed himself with copious amounts of
bug repellent. I did likewise and practically had a DEET bath after
getting out of our tent. We all had a leisurely breakfast before
striking camp, and it was almost 11:00 AM by the time we left Aster Lake
campground. While Linda and Dan were content to simply return to
the trailhead, Dave and I decided to bag Mount Sarrail before heading
out. Since Dave had his car at the trailhead, I flipped Dan my car
keys while he and Linda gave Dave and me their extra water. Dave
and I left our backpacks at noon and started up Mount Sarrail's west
ridge.Climbing up the west ridge was technically quite easy, but Dave
and I were both weary from the heat as well as the previous day's
exertions. Luckily, there was a slight breeze higher up the ridge
which helped to keep the temperature bearable, and we passed the time
nicely with our conversations. We both reached the summit at 2:50
PM and spent about fifty minutes there before descending. During
our ascent, Dave and I were both eyeing the small glacier hugging the
north face of Mount Sarrail. Despite some icy patches and steep
sections, the glacier looked fairly safe and free of crevasses. I
convinced Dave that the glacier would make for a quicker and easier
descent than retracing our steps back down the west ridge. Dave did
not have an ice axe, but he did fine with his crampons and the ski poles
I lent him. While we mostly plunge-stepped down the steep, upper
part of the glacier, we enjoyed some great glissading lower down.
All too soon we were back to stumbling down endless piles of rubble.
We eventually regained the lower part of the west ridge and returned to
our backpacks by 5:30 PM.
The rest of our return trip was simply hellish. Descending some
parts of the headwall with a heavy pack was tricky if not also scary.
I had my doubts about whether I could stop myself if I slipped and
tumbled down the rubble slope. Toward the bottom of the headwall, I
was looking forward to taking my boots off for a well-deserved rest when
a sudden thundershower prompted us to keep moving down into the trees.
The rain, while refreshingly cool, also made the trail and deadfall
around Hidden Lake dangerously slick. During the seventy minutes
that it took us to get around the lake, I cursed virtually every awkward
log I had to climb over and under, every undulation of the trail which
cruelly added needless height gain, and every Kananaskis Country
administrator who did not deem it necessary or desirable to improve this
miserable access route. By the time Dave and I made it back to the
main trail on the south side of Upper Kananaskis Lake, we were both
exhausted and mentally frazzled. It took us another ninety minutes
to trudge back to Dave's car (made it back by 9:48 PM), and the last
couple of kilometres were especially painful on the feet. As
uncomfortable as my wet boots were, I kept them on out of respect for
Dave as he drove me back to Dan's place to pick up my car. That is
the price of success, I guess.
Check out Dave's trip report and photos
Dave gives his tent a shake at Aster
Lake campground. |
This is Mount Sarrail and its west
ridge as seen from Aster Lake campground. |
Here is a close-up view of Mount
Cordonnier as seen from the lower west ridge of Mount Sarrail. |
A small glacier covers the north side
of Mount Sarrail. |
Dave slogs up the west ridge of Mount
Sarrail. |
The west ridge is long but generally
easy to climb up. Aster Lake is visible in the distance. |
Dave negotiates a tricky spot where
the glacier abuts the ridge. |
Dave and Sonny stand on the 3174-metre
summit of Mount Sarrail. |
East of Mount Sarrail is this nub
unofficially known as "The Turret". |
To the southwest, Mount Joffre rises
up behind Dave. |
A short walk along the north ridge
grants this unobstructed view of Upper and Lower Kananaskis Lakes. |
The connecting ridge to Mount Foch
looks spectacular. |
The view to the west includes Aster
Lake, The Royal Group (on horizon) and Mount Lyautey (far right). |
Dave leaves the summit of Mount
Sarrail. |
Dave walks down his second glacier of
the weekend. |
Dave slips and goes for a short
involuntary glissade. |
Dave gets up after a terrific
glissade. |
Dave traverses easy rubble to get back
to the west ridge. |
This is looking north toward Mount
Indefatigable from the south end of Hidden Lake. |
Dave emerges from the trees after an
exasperating seventy minutes of climbing over and under deadfall
while being hounded by mosquitoes. The parking lot is still
another gruelling ninety minutes away though. |