Linda and Kelly emerge above tree line
at the north end of Windy Peak. Highway 532 is visible at
centre just beyond the cutblock separating North and South Twin
Creeks. |
The view to the south is dominated by
Mount Livingstone. |
Kelly and Linda stand on top of
2249-metre Windy Peak. Ironically, there is hardly any wind on
this day. |
The double summits of Saddle Mountain
are visible at right in this view from Windy Peak. |
Here is a closer look at the double
summits. |
Visible on the horizon to the west are
(L to R) Mount Pierce, Mount Farquhar, unnamed (and supposedly
unclimbed according to Gillean Daffern), Mount Holcroft, and Mount
Scrimger. |
Linda, Dan and Kelly descend the east
side of Windy Peak. |
Dan climbs the "crux" of the route up
Saddle Mountain. |
The Cache Creek Elevators can be seen
from Saddle Mountain's north ridge. |
Linda walks up the broad north ridge
of Saddle Mountain. Hailstone Butte dominates the view behind
her. |
Dan and Kelly follow some tracks in
the snow en route to Saddle Mountain. |
Dan hikes up the final rubble slope. |
Dan stands atop the north summit of
Saddle Mountain. Mount Livingstone is the peak at left. |
Sonny poses for a photo at the north
summit. The marginally lower south summit and Coffin Mountain
can be seen in the distance. |
Dan (silhouetted against the snow at
bottom right) makes his way across the 'saddle'. |
Dan stands on the south summit of
Saddle Mountain. |
There is a lot worth exploring in the
Livingstone Range. |
Linda bags her fourth peak of the
weekend! The north summit is visible at right. |
Everyone enjoys a well-deserved break
on the south summit. |
Dan, Linda and Kelly walk back across
the saddle in hopes of bypassing the north summit. |
While bypassing the north summit, Dan
scrambles up and over a rare rock band. |
Dan, Linda and Kelly descend the long
north ridge of Windy Peak. Visible at upper left are Hailstone
Butte, Mount Burke, and Sentinel Peak. |
Kelly and Linda slosh through the
swamp near North Twin Creek. Behind them, Windy Peak is bathed
in sunlight. |