Mount Hood
When I climbed Washington's
Mount Adams in
2013, my attention was often drawn to a striking mountain further
south--Oregon's Mount Hood. Not only is Mount Hood the highest
point in Oregon, but it is arguably the most beautiful of all the Cascade
volcanoes. Naturally, I wanted to climb it, but up until recently,
I had not given the mountain much serious thought. A window of
opportunity presented itself when I decided to take a week off from work
in June 2014. My youngest nephew was graduating from high school in
Seattle, Washington on 16 June 2014, and I promised my mother that I
would drive her there to attend the graduation ceremony along with my
brother's family. While my mother would stay a bit longer to visit
friends before flying home the following week from Vancouver, British
Columbia (BC), I had plans to meet friends at Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
for a golf weekend from 19-22 June 2014. In between the graduation
ceremony and the golf weekend, I had a couple of days to kill--a perfect
time to squeeze in an ascent of Mount Hood, weather permitting.
As I learned on my Mount Adams trip, June
seems like the ideal time to climb the Cascade volcanoes. Avalanche
danger is usually minimal, but at the same time, there is still enough
consolidated snow to avoid the drudgery of scree bashing and to afford
some energy-saving glissading or skiing. The easiest ascent route
on Mount Hood--the South Side (Hogsback)--is usually not technically
difficult, but it is still a serious endeavour given the steepness of the
upper mountain and the need to climb snow and possibly ice. Ice
axe, crampons, and helmet are essential equipment for this climb, and
many parties also choose to rope up. Most parties that climb this
route in a single day start out by headlamp in the middle of the night in
order to reach the summit by sunrise and be off the upper mountain by
mid-morning. This is because rock fall is a very real hazard on the
upper mountain when temperatures rise later in the day. Before
heading to Seattle, I had contemplated bringing my AT ski gear, but
because I was still new to AT skiing and had not quite gotten comfortable
yet climbing in ski boots, I decided to leave them behind. Besides,
with my golf clubs and my mother's extra luggage, my car was full enough
as it was.
During my first couple
of days in Seattle, the weather was cool and unsettled, and the
webcams of Mount
Hood showed nothing but rain and clouds. The jet stream
forecast predicted that a high pressure system would develop over
northern Oregon by the middle of the week, but I was willing to pull the
plug on the climb if the weather did not cooperate. As it turned
out, the weather did
improve but slower than expected, and consequently, I delayed leaving
Seattle until the afternoon of 18 June 2014. Access to Mount Hood
is much easier than that for Mount Adams since there is a paved road running
all the way to Timberline Lodge, the year-round ski resort which is the
starting point for the South Side route. I arrived roughly around
suppertime, and after taking some photographs of Mount Hood from the main
parking lot, I wandered around a bit to check out the nearby facilities
and to locate the starting point of the climb. There is a climbers' self-registration kiosk and washroom (accessible 24/7)
just before the entrance to the newer Wy’East day lodge beside the main
parking lot. I filled out a climbing registration form here and picked up a
free climbing permit although I am doubtful that anyone actually checks.
Overnight parking is allowed in designated areas in the main parking lot
probably for the purpose of allowing climbers to get an early alpine
start. After eating some Chinese dumplings for supper, I prepared
my gear and then settled into the back of my car to try and get some
Mount Hood appears suddenly around a
bend in the highway. |
The crater of Mount Hood is more
evident from this angle on the access road to Timberline Lodge. |
The protrusion at centre on the upper
mountain is known as Crater Rock. Tracing an ascending line to
the right of Crater Rock is the snow ridge known as the Hogsback.
The bergschrund that cuts across the Hogsback is also visible.
Further right of the Hogsback are the Steel Cliffs. |
It was pretty tough to sleep in the back of my Honda
CR-V. Like a child waiting in anticipation for Christmas morning, I
was too wound up about climbing Mount Hood to get any serious shut-eye.
The sun was also up late, and even when it finally
set, a flood light in the parking lot made it difficult to fade to black.
Not surprisingly, there was also a lot of activity in the parking lot
with people constantly coming and going throughout the evening. A
few cretins were inconsiderate enough to have music blaring from their
cars. If I had to do this all over again, I would sleep elsewhere
(preferably in the shade of a forest)
and drive up to the ski resort just before I was ready to climb.
Close to midnight, I gave up trying to sleep and sat up to eat a banana
instead. I could see several other groups of climbers gearing up
already in the parking lot; some of them seemed like they had been
doing so for several hours! When I finally got myself organized and
ready to move, it was 12:41 AM on 19 June 2014.A
snowcat track on the eastern boundary of the ski area has been set aside
for climbers ascending Mount Hood. The snow was nicely firm as I
hiked up this track in the dark. Even in the middle of the night,
the entire area was bustling with activity. Numerous snowcats
rolled up and down the slope grooming the ski runs, and I could see the
headlamps of lots of other climbers both ahead of and behind me.
With plenty of light between the snowcats, other climbers, and the moon,
I hardly used my headlamp during the night. Above the top of the
Palmer Chairlift (the highest in the ski area) , the slope began to get
steeper, and although the traction on my snow boots was still quite good,
I eventually stopped to put on my crampons (this was the only time I
turned on my headlamp). When I resumed climbing, I followed a ridge
of rocks protruding from the snow and immediately noticed a few tents
pitched here. Like on Mount Adams, some people choose to break the
climb up into two days, but frankly, I do not think it is necessary or
even worth the effort of hauling camping gear up there.
At this point, the sky was beginning to brighten,
and I could start to see more features on the upper mountain. I
soon entered what is known as Devils Kitchen which is essentially the
inside of Mount Hood's volcanic crater. There are numerous active
fumaroles (steam and gas vents) here, and the smell of rotten eggs is
quite noticeable. After climbing onto the crest of a prominent snow
ridge known as the Hogsback, I took a short break and donned my climbing
helmet. The usual South Side route continues straight up the crest
of the Hogsback to
what are known as the Pearly Gates, a couple of chutes which break
through the cliffs guarding the summit. An alternate route
traverses to climber's left and ascends steep open slopes to the summit
ridge via what is known as the Old Chute. While I was taking my
break on the Hogsback, a large group of climbers caught up to me, and
they began having discussions about which route to take. One of
them, presumably a guide, said that, from earlier reports she had read,
the Pearly Gates were "nasty" this year and that they should take the Old
Chute route. Most of the other climbers concurred, but because I
had earlier watched a lone climber descend from the Pearly Gates, I opted
to take that route instead which would have the advantage of being less
As I climbed up the Hogsback, the mountain seemed to
get steeper and steeper with every step I took, and I was very thankful
that someone else had already broken trail through the snow.
Further up, there is a bergschrund that cuts across the Hogsback, and it
is necessary to circumvent it usually to climber's right. The
section between the bergschrund and the Pearly Gates is quite possibly
the steepest part of the entire route. Even with crampons on, I
felt a little unnerved climbing up this section. At the base of the
Pearly Gates, there was a bit of a flat area which allowed me to catch my
breath and mentally relax a little. I also noticed here that
another climber was coming up fast behind me. Judging from the
footsteps in the snow, most of the traffic here was going through a chute
to climber's left. The first thing I noticed about this chute was
that it was pure ice for about a 3- or 4-metre stretch. It was
definitely nasty! A couple of shallow footholds in the ice showed
some promise initially, but after climbing halfway up, I found myself
without anything to really grab onto. My ice axe was still attached
to my pack, and I decided to back down for a chance to take it out.
In the meantime, the other climber who was behind me gave the chute a
try, and he too was stymied. After backing down, he decided to
traverse further to climber's left to find another way up. With my
ice axe in hand, I tackled the icy chute again, and this time, I made it
up albeit with a fair amount of difficulty. As I climbed out of the
chute, I noticed the other climber on the steep and exposed ridge just
above me. He was still working his way to safer ground, and he did
not look like he was enjoying his predicament at the moment. I left
him to his struggles as I leisurely trudged up the remaining steps to the
Most of the climbers that I bumped into on the
Hogsback were on the summit when I arrived. The other climber that
followed me up to the Pearly Gates also arrived safely a few minutes
later. There was a lot of jubilation on that summit, but the guide
was soon urging everyone in her group to start their descent back the way
they came (Old Chute route). She also offered to set up a belay
which several in her group were eager to accept. My "partner" at
the Pearly Gates eventually followed the big group to the Old Chute and
left me to enjoy the summit in solitude. After taking my requisite
photographs, I began descending back to the Pearly Gates. I took a
quick glance westward and noticed that the large group and my "partner"
were still standing on the far side of the summit ridge. Obviously,
the belay was taking some time to set up as they had been standing there
already for a good 10 minutes or so. The icy chute was just as
tricky to descend but I made it down none the worse for wear. From
the Pearly Gates, I carefully retraced the trail down to the Hogsback
where I could finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the worst was
behind me. I took another break on the Hogsback and was entertained
by the plethora of climbers on the Old Chute route. The group that
had left the summit before me was still quite high up and descending
rather slowly.
After exiting Devils Kitchen, I removed my crampons
and mostly plunge-stepped down the slope with a couple of slightly
out-of-control glissades thrown in. During one stretch of
glissading, I actually felt some heat on my butt, and I would later learn
that I had burnt a hole right through my wind pants! I certainly
lamented the missed opportunity to ski down this mountain, but my descent
was still pretty quick. The base area and parking lot were a bit of
a zoo when I got back down at 10:29 AM, but that was understandable given the
gorgeous weather. After "checking-out" at the self-registration
kiosk, I changed my clothes and re-hydrated before
hitting the road for an 11-hour, 940-kilometre drive to Fairmont Hot
Springs. Oddly enough, I did not feel drowsy at anytime during the
long drive probably because I was still wound up about my amazing and
memorable climb up Mount Hood.
Sonny is ready to start climbing at
12:41 AM. |
Other climbers can be seen on the
south slopes as dawn breaks on Mount Hood. Mount Jefferson can
also be seen on the horizon. |
A large active fumarole marks the entrance to
Devils Kitchen. Note the two climbers at left
who have gained the crest of
the Hogsback. |
A climber on his way down sits in the
snow beside another fumarole near Crater Rock. |
The Hogsback rises steeply to the
Pearly Gates (top centre). At upper far left is the Old Chute. The Hogsback is known to shift left or right over
time. Compare this photo with another
taken in March 2002
(courtesy of |
The bergschrund is a good reminder
that there is actually a glacier here--specifically, the Coalman
Glacier. |
Above the bergschrund, the
trail in the snow leads to the Pearly Gates at upper left. |
Another climber comes up the steep
trail to the Pearly Gates. Sunlight is hitting the top of
Crater Rock. |
The other climber finds himself on
increasingly exposed terrain after he opted to forego going up an icy
chute. |
Sonny takes a knee on the 3426-metre
summit of Mount Hood, the highest point in Oregon. Visible in
the distance is Mount Saint Helens. |
A group of climbers prepare to descend the Old Chute
route in this view looking west from the summit.
The view to the north includes Ladd
Glacier (bottom left), Pulpit Rock (far bottom centre), and Coe
Glacier (bottom right). Spread across the horizon are (L to R)
Mount Saint Helens, Mount Rainier, and Mount Adams. |
On the northeast side of Mount Hood
are Eliot Glacier (centre) and Cooper Spur (right of centre). |
Here is a closer look at Mount Rainier
(left) and Mount Adams. |
Mount Saint Helens looks resplendent in
the morning sun. |
Visible on the southern horizon are (L to R) Broken
Top, Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson, and Diamond Peak.
This is looking back down the Hogsback
from below the bergschrund. Crater Rock is now fully bathed in
sunlight. |
The Old Chute route is very busy on
this day. |
A couple of climbers descend from the
Hogsback. The hole in the foreground is the result of yet
another fumarole. |
Illumination Rock is usually the first
notable feature on the south side of the mountain to be lit up by the
morning sun. |
Here is one of the many snowcats that
seemingly work non-stop and around the clock on the ski hill above
Timberline Lodge. |
Timberline Lodge and the parking area
are a sight for sore eyes after a long day of climbing on Mount Hood. |
Here is a last look at Mount Hood from
the parking area near Timberline Lodge. |
Distance: ~10.2 kilometres
Round-Trip Time: 9 hours 48 minutes
Net Elevation Gain: 1660 metres |