Mount Louie
On 29 December 2020, Zosia Zgolak and I
hiked up Mount Louie near Grande Cache, Alberta. After an
exhausting ascent of
Grande Mountain the day before, we were hoping for a less complicated
follow-up outing, and Mount Louie seemed like a good choice according to
its route description in the Grande Cache & Area Hiking & Adventure Map
brochure. We brought along our snowshoes just in case we ran
into deep snow like we did on Grande Mountain, but as it turned out, we
would not need them for this hike. Incidentally, the mountain
appears to be named for Louis Delorme, a local trapper and guide who has
an interesting background.
Starting from Cowlick Creek Staging Area (located on the south side of
Highway 40 about 3.4 kilometres east of Grande Cache), Zosia and I walked
eastward on the main trail for about 330 metres until we reached a
man-made canal connecting Grande Cache Lake and Victor Lake.
Turning right, we hiked along the north bank for 450 metres before
crossing the canal on a dilapidated bridge. Now heading in a
southeastern direction, we walked for another 300 metres before arriving
at a signed trail junction. Taking the left-hand branch, we began a
long and fairly steady climb up the northwest ridge of Mount Louie.
The trail is well-marked and easy to follow, and although there are some
ups and downs along the way, the elevation losses are generally minor.
Much of the trail is sheltered in forest which was not necessarily a bad
thing on this breezy day, but there are still some nice viewpoints along
the way which help alleviate some of the monotony of the ascent.
Further up the mountain, we encountered some sections of deep snow, but
this did not hamper our progress since a trail had already been broken by
a previous hiker. Other than being buffeted by brisk winds where
the trees begin to thin out on the upper ridge, we had no serious
difficulties in reaching the summit.
Zosia and I took a break in the shelter
of some trees near the summit for about half an hour before retracing our
steps down the northwest ridge. Just like the ascent, our descent
was largely trouble-free. On our way back to the trailhead, we
walked on the frozen surface of the canal for some added variety.
At the trailhead, Zosia studies a map of the route up Mount Louie. |
Sonny hikes alongside a frozen canal.
Photo courtesy of Zosia Zgolak |
This bridge across the canal has seen better days. |

An opening along the trail grants this view of Victor
Lake and Lightning Ridge to the west.
Sonny appears to be post-holing under a downed tree, but he is actually
just on his knees.
Photo courtesy of Zosia Zgolak |
This is one of the few steeper
sections along what is mostly a moderate ascent route. |
There are some sections of deep snow higher up the mountain, but a trail
has already been broken by a previous hiker. |
Views of Grande Mountain and Grande Cache Lake open up as Sonny climbs
Photo courtesy of Zosia Zgolak |
The upper parts of Mount Louie offer far-reaching views to the southwest
into Willmore Wilderness Park. |
Zosia approaches the top of Mount Louie under some interesting cloud
cover. |
Sonny and Zosia stand on the summit of Mount Louie (1859 metres). |

The town of Grande Cache can be seen at left as Zosia
descends Mount Louie.